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MDOC help version 21.1.2


This tab is used to change how MDOC integrates with MS Office products. The administrator of MDOC might decide if it’s possible to change the settings. If not the options are inactive.


Settings for MDOC integration with MS Office.

Select Office version

You can select which version to integrate with and for Office 2010  you can select 64 bit version.

Load behavior

You can choose how the integration should start when an office product starts. There are three different possibilities:


Start behavior in Office products.

1.Load when Office loads. Loads and activates integration when an Office product starts. Startup time for Office products might increase a bit.
2. Load on demand. Loads and activates MDOC Integration the first time an MDOC functions is used in an Office product. The first time an MDOC function is used the function might react slowly. Please note: If this is the default action then MDOC buttons are not automatically placed in Office menus. Therefore you have to check the appropriate choice in “Create MDOC button” below.
3. Do not load. MDOC integration are deactivated. No interaction with MDOC.

Create MDOC buttons I MS Office

If no MDOC buttons are visible in MS Office products they can be created by choosing one of:


Create MDOC buttons in MS Office products if not visible.